When you live on a ship sometimes you have to try your very hardest to find things to do so you don't find yourself in a rut or just doing the same thing over and over ...
So on the ship there is kinda a running slide show thing where it shows notices on a loop, and well it seems like they were short on running the sound desk and looking for help ... so offered i did :)
So what this means is i am now on a schedule for the various meetings in a week and have to do various jobs on the sound desk ...
Tuesday morning ... Each Tuesday morning on the ship at the very horrible hour of 7:45 we have a meeting in the large "international lounge" This is a place where we welcome all the new people, they announce all the people that are departing, they give any notices for the week and there is a short devotion.
Thursday evening ... Each Thursday evening we have a community meeting, kinda like a church service ... the is somebody is who "MC'ing" the event, there is some worship and somebody who gives a message :) (then there is fellowship in mid ships and ICE CREAM!!!)
Sunday evening ... Sunday evening's be a church service.
Special events ... Explains itself
(international lounge is a big room that holds about 300 and is used for big meetings on the ship)
(mid ships is the middle of the ship, it is where there is a cafe, ship shop, Internet cafe type place, tv's and lots of places to sit)
So that's what each one is and well there are 3 roles on the sound desk ...
Sound man - controls all the sound!
Computer man - sorts out all the lyrics, PowerPoint's and such
Camera man - so all of the meeting go out over the tv system, this allows people in their cabins to watch the meeting as well as people working in the hospital to watch so they have a camera :)
So far as yet ive had a little go at both the computer and the camera ... the sound one is the real tricky one and i shall be happy avoiding that for a while :)