Sunday, May 31, 2009

Africa Clothes

So it seems like the thing to get done!

So im getting myself some african clothes! ... the talior didnt really speak much English and i dont speak any french so i have some idea ... i think ... of what im getting, but could be very wrong also!

So keep posted for pics when i get them back :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Film Action

So it was late tue nite and i was lying in bed thinking about how much of a shame it was that Luke had gone home ... reason being there is a film festival coming up (sat 6th june) and people are making films for it, and i thought that Luke and myself prob woulda made a film ...

well i thought losing Luke shouldn't stop me ... so i made a film on my own! It took me the best part of both of my days off to think up the idea, film, act and edit it ... all by myself! Its funny what things suddenly become perfect places to place a video camera while trying to get a shot from a certain angle!

So i cant tell you too much about the film because im trying to keep it all under wraps before the big night and i have no idea who is reading my blog on the ship!

But i will give full details after the event and maybe even see if there is some way of posting the video on here!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Post Cheating

So i may have been slightly cheating with some posts here ...

So basically i got really busy and didn't post for a little while, so in the past few days (and i will add a couple more in the next day or so) ive been blogging about things that have happened, but to get it in time order ive changed the blogging options to show them as the day they happened!

So please do read back like 5 or 6 posts cause they are all new even if the date is a week or two ago!

Thanks all!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Frisbee Fun

So its sometimes just nice to get off the ship for a change of location ...

and well when its for something so exciting as Frisbee then it really is good :)

Now last week Luke somehow managed to still play, get home at 7:15, then leave for his plane home at 8 ... now that is impressive!

Now when i want to say is how it went this week ... So we play at the local police station! ... yes i did say police station! They have a sand football length football field that they let us play at!

So there was some big thing happening (we think the pres was in town) and there were loads of cars parked on one end of the field, so we get a fair number (20-30) so normally play the full length but this week played across the pitch.

So there were some police vans in one corner, but we had to play pretty close to them or the pitch really wouldn't have been long enough ...

So take a minute to think what is coming next ...

Yup ... you guess it ...

I ran right into one :) The Frisbee was just a little far from me so really had to run fast and stretch for it, so i caught it, but was just moving a little too fast and smack into the side!

Thankfully it was more funny than painful :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jesus Film

So one of the things the ship does is send two car loads of people out into the local and further reaching communities, taking with them the Jesus Film (

This Tue along with my brother in law Tommy ( we got to go along.

To be honest i think we were both lost as to what was going on for most of the time. This be because it wasn't in English, nor even french, but the local language of fong! But it was a really good time, at the start of the set up there were about 20 kids around maybe, but within 10min of the film starting there were prob 200 people all around sitting on chairs, standing and a whole load of people on motorbikes!

There seemed to be some sort of altar call at the end which alot of people came forward for! Which was very good to see and i hope that the message of Jesus has stuck with them since, for there is nothing more important than knowing Jesus!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Trip to ICU

Ok, so its not as serious as it sounds really, so here on the ship the only private rooms in the hospital are ICU, so if anything happens to any of the crew they get taken there ...

Well i kinda gave it a good go at chopping my finger instead of a pepper!

And well had to call the duty nurse cause it was kinda bleeding some :(

So then got taken to ICU, just to clean it up and check if it needed stitches ... which it didn't :)

So all is getting better, its looking like its starting to heal nicely, so no worries there!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Bilson

So one of the main things that you have to deal with here is people coming and going. Now living on a ship with everyone, of course you not going to know everyone, but the people that are close to you, the people you work with, cabin mates etc, well you get to know them pretty well!

Well 2day Friday 1st May i lost one :( I have good news to report that he didn't fall off the ship (and im writing this after the actual day so i know he got home safely!)

He name was Luke Bilson, and he deserves a post of his own i feel! It seems strange that he was only here for 2 months cause i feel like ive known him for alot longer than that! Now one of the reasons he deserves so much credit is that he managed to survive living with me! Yup he was my bunk mate, and for any of you that know how clean i am ... ok for those of you that don't ... im a very messy person! I will get a pic of our room, and our section of our room on here, but lets just say its pretty small for 2 people!

Another grand job he did was sharing the same schedule as me, im on the cooking team, and he was on the dining room team and thankfully on the same shift as me, which meant we got all the same days off, which is really nice here. Most people do mon-fri (apart from the nurses) whereas i do shifts so when you have wed/thu off there isnt much going on so its been great having someone around to do this that and whatever!

Luke was truly a blessing to have here and im looking forward to the Christmas reunion already :)

On the plus side ... its lovely being able to use his cupboard to chuck my dirty laundry in :) and im using his two shelves :) ... Its kinda funny really, we have room checks here, and well were normally rubbish, and our bit of the cabin is always messy, and well all because of me and me being messy! ... Well how things have changed now!!! Im actually tidy!!! its all cheating really :) i just have more places to stuff my stuff :) ... i find it really funny though cause next time they come to do a room check and see how tidy my place is ... i can just imagine them thinking "oh that Bilson boy musta been a messy one, look how tidy it is now" ... and if they did ask ... since he has left and all ... it would be rude not to blame it on him ... ok i wouldn't really ... im messy and don't care who knows it :)