Thursday, May 28, 2009

Film Action

So it was late tue nite and i was lying in bed thinking about how much of a shame it was that Luke had gone home ... reason being there is a film festival coming up (sat 6th june) and people are making films for it, and i thought that Luke and myself prob woulda made a film ...

well i thought losing Luke shouldn't stop me ... so i made a film on my own! It took me the best part of both of my days off to think up the idea, film, act and edit it ... all by myself! Its funny what things suddenly become perfect places to place a video camera while trying to get a shot from a certain angle!

So i cant tell you too much about the film because im trying to keep it all under wraps before the big night and i have no idea who is reading my blog on the ship!

But i will give full details after the event and maybe even see if there is some way of posting the video on here!

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention that you became an antisocial hermit for the couple of days while you were making it. And you amused us all by your frequent visits to borrow random things. I could say a lot more but know I would be in trouble if I say anything about it. i'm sure everyone will love it goon, or at least the Brits who can understand Freddies accent or whoever he is.
