What what what, yes another point there (its gonna be a bit jumpy this post, sorry) so Tuesday, instead of going for my weekly volleyball match we will in fact be setting sail to head to tenerife, where the ship will be until the end of January, when it will then set sail back to west Africa (Togo most likely 99%) for another field service.
So for those of you in England i can confirm that i will be returning home on the 21st of December, and will be there for Christmas, new years and a good time after :)
well until Jan 17th, when i will be returning to the ship :)
and how long will i be back on the ship you may ask, no idea i may well answer!
The main reason for that is my recent rather exciting (when i say rather, i mean very very) that im getting married! Yup this summer (Provisionally July 1oth) I will be marrying Miss Amy Handy in Chicago :)
So i will remain on the ship till late may/early June time, then come home for a short time before hitting up America for a good friends wedding, and then my own!
What after that, i can honestly say i don't know, its something Amy and me are trying to sort out! Please do join us in praying that we do whatever the Lord wants for us, whatever that may be, and however scary it may be for one or both of us!