Its at times like this morning when i realise just how different it is here to anywhere ive been before!
So Sarah (my sister and me took a little trip to a local market.
Basically its a fruit and veg market, its all stacked so cool, in really went organzied piles and stacks, but i tell you thats only the start!!! I mean you wouldnt expect to add in chickens, geese, pigeons and even kittens tied up for sale!
Ok so were on a little mini mission there, trying to get hold of some mango and pineapple action for some smoothie action 2nite, well its harder than you think! i mean Sarah speaks some french and well we were both very lost at one point at to what exactly our lady was saying the price was! So it was possible 1150 of the local currency. So i have a 2000 bill, which i mean you wouldnt think would be hard to give a little change! Oh how wrong you would be! So she takes a look in her little carrier bag, no change in there, so tries a few people around her, no luck there. So gives the money to some1 else, time passes, and they come back with nothing but the 2000 bill again! So then the lady next door gets involved with a few coins, so our lady is then trying to explain to us that she doesnt have enough still we think, so we settle on getting some bananas as well!
So no normally bananas, like midget sized ones! so she has like 20 maybe in this bunch and were like how much? and she puts out 3 fingers, so were asuming 300 maybe, well we decided we wanted half of em, so she then gives us 500 back from the 2000, but then says she wants another 100, which we were fine with, very confused because 1/2 of the bananas were now like 450! Who knows, all very amusing really and a good experience id say!
So walked back via the meat section, i tell you what i pointed out some sort of animals heads on display ... lets just say we didnt stay in the meat section, we left by the nearest exit!
Good times indeed :)