So the good news is im well on the road to being better! :)
I went out today for the first time since last wed which was good! It was Amy's birthday and she really wanted fan ice, so fan ice she got!!!
Ok so fan ice (see pic at top) is this kinda frozen yogurt thing, which i cant say i like at all really, but Amy is very keen on the chocolate one, and at a cost of 150 of the local currency (about 30p maybe) and since it was her Birthday and all i thought i best treat her to one!
So when i got back i had to lie down, but its progress none the less! I officially have this weekend off from work, so im pretty confident by Monday i will be fighting fit and will be ready to get back to work and the real reason im here!
I was chatting with a guy the other nite, who has also been ill and we were saying how different it is missing work here. Like when you was at school it was cool missing school if you was ill, but being ill here isnt the same! I actually wanna be at work! Strange as that may sound, but i love working here and serving the crew by making them nice food! So lets hope i will be back doing that soon!
love to you all :)
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