Monday, March 30, 2009

He is enough

So a very long time ago ... ok not that long ago really, but it sure feels like it when you live on a ship ... i was sailing to Benin from tenerife and we had a whole set of talks by various people on various topics.

Well last week or so i was reminded of something one of the people said, they were giving a list of the religions in Benin, 30% Catholics, 25% Muslim etc and then added 100% voodoo at the end. Well i thought nothing of it at the time, but i was talking with a lady a week or so back and she said about it and was saying how in Liberia last year even the Christians who would be at church and worshipping God would still go to the witchdoctors for potions or do voodoo rituals or whatever throughout the week, for whatever reason weather it be cause they didn't think God was doing things fast enough, or cause they were just "covering all bases" or whatever.

Well this got me thinking, and well it just hit me that there un belief is so out there and obvious to see but its something we all struggle with. Some of us hide our insecurities best we can, but they are there just as real and holding us back just as much as someone that is going to visit a witch doctor.

Some of us try to find acceptance in people, some of us distance ourselves from people for the fear of being hurt, some turn to drink, some to relationships, some to work, some to money and some even to sports! Whatever it may be we try to find happiness, love and a sense of belonging in things that will ultimately not be able to satisfy us.

God is enough, and if you believe that God really is enough, wouldn't, and maybe shouldn't that change your whole life. Knowing that he is enough in every situation, every struggle, every concern, anything that you could possibly come at him with. The power of Jesus's blood was enough for us all, everything we have done wrong and has given a way to be reunited with the one who made it all, to be in relationship with him.

In the book of Matthew it says ... Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Isnt that what we all crave deep down inside? ... He is the only one that will ever be able to set us free from our struggles, the only one that will truly be able to make us happy and loved. Yes its a risk, and he doenst promise its gonna be easy and everything is suddenly "gonna be ok" but it's a risk that we cant afford not to take ... to step out, to totally surrender ourselves to him, to let go of everything that we value above him, to submit to his will in all things, not just the things that were ok with letting go, but giving everything to him.

I just wanna leave you with this ... God is enough ... even typing it now it sounds so simple, so easy ... but i challenge you to really think about and to think what it means.

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